Friday, November 25, 2011
LAST Nov. 20, 2011, I had the privilege of being a speaker-sharer at Brevstock.12, a yearly activity organized by the Breviarians, a group of Catholic Youth, founded by Alex Manongdo, also known as “Brother A”.On that night too, at the auditorium of the University of the Cordilleras, Bishop Cenzon handed over to Brother A his trophy for being one of 25 John Paul II awardees from all over the Philippines, in recognition of his work among the youth. It was an award that he truly deserved. He was highly recommended by the bishop and the diocese of Baguio in recognition of his selfless contribution in helping mold the youth with Christian values, especially thru music, while keeping them out of “trouble” and “bad company”.
The Cercado Sisters, an upcoming popular singing group originally from Tuguegarao entertained the audience with their lively songs. The Brevs Music Ministry as well as the San Pablo seminarians inspired us with their well-rehearsed songs, too.
Allow me to share excerpts of my sharing that night, together with some lines, I may have missed out:
This Sunday, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. In our secular world, what kings are we familiar with? King Bhumibol of Thailand, the King of Saudi Arabia, and locally: Tapa King, Burger King, ChowKing, and even China BanKING.
The establishments have the word ”KING” to denote being lord over the others in their respective fields of businesses… except of course for “banking”, which in ILOCANO means “tilted” or “tabingi”. Of course, Burger King is not King of the Burgers, its McDonald’s! (based on facts and on my biased opinion)
The Kingship of Christ is different from the Kingship of this world. It is not based on human power. It is not obtained thru superiority, nor passed on by royal blood or royal decree. Neither is it obtained thru goons, guns, and gold. No campaigning to be elected is needed for the Kingship of Christ.
The Kingship of Christ is based on love, humility, and service. If we consider Christ our King, we must obey Him. And His commands are found in the bible and in the 10 commandments.
How does the kingship of Christ relate to our family lives? In our families, who is the head? Our father! There is no need also for any decree that the father of the family is the head, for it is already written in Ephesians 5:22–24: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
Of course, it is also written, “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the Church, and gave His life for it.” Thus, for the males among you, someday, you may be “fathers” and heads of your families, be ready to say what Joshua said in: Joshua 25:14 “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”.
Lead your families in serving God. When the head of the family decides on something that is not evil or sinful, we must obey. We may discuss, but in the end, we should obey. Partial obedience is disobedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Obedience unlocks understanding. Many things, we have to obey first, before we can understand. Obedience is more important than sacrifice, because obedience is the sacrifice of the will. It requires humility, the absence or reduction of pride.
Thus, obey your parents. And if you do so, someday when you become parents, you shall have the right to say to your children, “obey” as I once obeyed and continue to obey, for as long as your parents are alive.
Ephesians 6:1-4 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord”
Fatherhood is about loving, disciplining, teaching, and serving. In the same way, the father in the family is head, but does so by serving the wife and the children.
If there is no “kingship” in your family, there will be disharmony, and the family will be weak. Pray for yourselves, that you may love and respect your parents, and that you will obey and sacrifice your will, and together with your parents, you will all serve the Lord.
Yes, the kingship of Christ and the kingship of a father is about servanthood.
Christ is King, but He does not Lord it over us. He leads, and does so by serving us.
Allow Christ to reign in our minds, that we may believe His teachings and the teachings of our church.
Allow Christ to reign in our wills, that we shall submit to, and obey the laws and teachings of God.
Allow Christ to reign in our hearts, that we will desire to love God above all things.
Allow Christ to reign in our bodies, which serve as instruments for the inner sanctification of our souls.
Allow Christ to be king in our lives.
My Dearest Angie and My Dearest Children,
“Be Lord within me, to strengthen me. Without me, to preserve me. Before me, to direct me. Behind me, to turn me back. Above me, to shelter me. Below me, to support me. And around me, to fortify me”.
Together, let us say, “Christ, be our King”, and may our household serve the Lord!
Published in the Sun.Star Baguio newspaper on November 26, 2011.