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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brev Outreach at DSWD-RSCC

Last June12, 2012, we went to an orphanage of abandoned children at Wangal, La Trinidad to celebrate the birthday of our beloved head, Bro. Alex Manongdo.

Good news!  For those of you who were not able to come with us, this 27th of August 2012, we will be going back to give love and joy to the children at DSWD - Reception and Study Center for Children,  a child caring institution which provides temporary shelter to children aged 0-6 years old who are:

  • abandoned
  • abused
  • surrendered
  • orphaned
  • neglected or exploited.
Assembly time is 12:00 PM at Mc Donald's Insular.  So be sure to have an early lunch. :-) 

Bring a gift! :-)

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