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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Last Week of October 2013 Services

Gear up and spend your vacation in the Lord's Vineyard

October 26, 2013 Saturday
3PM - Formation    TALK: The Media by Bro. Bot Balbero
4PM - Music Practice in preparation for Mass Services and Prison Outreach

October 27 2013 Sunday
830AM - Prison Outreach: Baguio City Jail
Brevs-in-Charge: ALL Brevs Available
1100AM - Camp John Hay Mass Service at CJH Golf Club House
Brevs-in-Charge: ALL Brevs Available
5PM - Mass Service at Baguio Cathedral
Brevs-in-Charge: All Brevs Available

October 29, 2013 Tuesday
4PM - Special Anniversary Mass Service at Camp John Hay
Brevs-in-Charge: All Brevs Available

October 30, 2013 Wednesday
10AM - Porta Vaga Mass Service at Our Lady of the Atonement ORATORY
Brevs-in-Charge: ALL Brevs available

October 31, 2013 Thursday
515PM - Mass Service at Our Lady of the Atonement Cathedral
Brevs-in-Charge: ALL Brevs Available

Ephesians 6:7-8
Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free.

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